NDT Non Destructive Testing Services

NDT Non Destructive Testing Services


NDT Non Destructive Testing Services
NDT Rope Access

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is critical for third parties, such as customers and insurance companies, to ensure the reliability of the equipment used to obtain the data necessary for the detection of flaw mechanisms, which are directly related to the life of the plant, which the facilities need before the operation and during the operation.

Integrity NDT and High Works are solution partners who have ISO 9712 Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 certified personnel and have a broad experience in terms of diversity in NDT applications.

The use of rope access method in NDT has important advantages:

  • A significant financial part of a project budget are access costs. Rope access techniques replace the traditional scaffold and platform solutions and offer significant savings.

  • As the only point of contact for both access services and inspection teams, Integrity NDT and High Works provide time efficiency by coordinating both services to its customers.

  • Rope access systems are easy to install and to remove. This usually helps to complete the work in less than the prescribed time.

Rope access technique is statistically safer than scaffolding systems. It also contributes to the health and safety management of the project with the use of experienced technicians and procedures appropriate to this system.

Integrity NDT and High Works provides a wide range of customers with inspection and rope access services on onshore and offshore facilities.