Occupational Health And Safety On Working With Hazardous Materials

Occupational Health And Safety On
Working With Hazardous Materials

20 Trainees / 1 Trainer

1 Day (8 Hours)


Trainig program aims to have participants acquire knowledge and skills to work safely with hazardous chemicals.


No prerequisites


All employees who work with hazardous chemicals.


  • Recognizing and listing the hazardous chemicals used

  • To use and have information about Material Safety Data Sheets

  • Labeling / locking in accordance with the applicable legislation related to the sections, containers, piping and similar installations with hazardous chemicals

  • Warning and warning signs for hazardous chemicals

  • Safe working and safe storage principles with hazardous chemicals

  • What to do in case of accident and emergency

  • First aid principles in chemical effects or injuries

  • The characteristics of personal protective equipment and principles of use



  • Participants who have successfully completed the measurement and evaluation studies in the trainings are entitled to receive a “Certificate of Achievement” according to the legislation. “Participation Certificate” is organized for the participants who cannot achieve the targeted success in the training programs.

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